the-yes-man-150x150Die wohl bekanntesten Culture Jammer, die amerikanischen Yes Men, die in den letzten Jahren schon für so manchen Coup verantwortlich zeichneten (u.a. ihr Fake der NY Times), planen nun den nächsten Schlag gegen die großen Konzerne und ihre Handlanger in den Regierungen. Anlässlich des Weltklimagipfels in Kopenhagen im September soll es wieder eine spektakuläre Aktion geben, die hoffentlich auch für ein gewisses mediales Aufsehen sorgt. Ich leite Euch hier mal den offenen Brief der Yes Men weiter, inkl. Unterstützungsaufruf:


Dear Friend,

We have some really stupid, really big plans for September, and we need
your help to make them come true.

Last summer, we asked you to help us print 100,000 copies of a “special
edition” New York Times, to be published just after Obama’s election and
set eight months in the future (July 4, 2009). You responded with
$15,000, and the paper made worldwide headlines – real ones:,83453,5917595,Dowcip___Falszywy___New_York_Times__oglasza_koniec.html,2817,2335607,00.asp

July 4, 2009 has now come and gone ( A few
CEOs have had their salaries capped, Guantanamo is being closed, and
there’s a movement to prosecute the Bush regime for their war crimes.
But sadly, the paper’s most important predictions haven’t come true.
Worst of all, climate change isn’t being addressed in any serious way,
which is getting a lot of people really alarmed.

Five months from now, in Copenhagen, the world’s leaders will have the
chance to stop this mother of all runaway trains from taking us all off
the mother of all really big cliffs (
For a whole lot of reasons, it’s up to the U.S. to show how it’s done.
If we can do that, a lot of the other predictions in our “special
edition” will also come true.

Unfortunately, we’re showing no signs of doing that:,

So a lot of groups are planning actions this fall to show government
what we need it to do:,,,

As for us Yes Men, we have a very stupid three-part plan to publicly
ridicule our stupidest leaders. It’ll involve lots of stitching,
hammering, and risking arrest – which is fine, as we’ve assembled a
crack team of daredevil seamstresses. But unfortunately, it’s also going
to cost money.

If you can help with this side of things, please click here: For a donation of $50 or more we’ll
send you some copies of the “special edition” New York Times, along with
(while supplies last) the fake International Herald Tribune from last
month (, the one that launched

Or, if you’d like to chip in over $500, we can consider it a loan, and
we’ll pay you back in the spring from revenues we hope come in from our
movie, hitting theaters in October:
For that, please write to us:

Also, if you live in New York and know how to sew, please let us know by
clicking “costume design” on your profile and typing “sewing.” And if
you don’t mind getting arrested for a good cause, please sign up here:

Please help as you can! If nothing else, it’ll be really funny. But it
could be a whole lot more too.

As worried as you are,
The Yes Men

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